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  • To enlighten and educate the youth more on drug abuse and alcoholism.

  • To educate and enlighten communities more on endemic (emerging) diseases affecting the community like Hepatitis B and C Virus (HBV), HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Typhoid fever, Diabetes Tuberculosis and other health related issues through Drama, Music and Jamborees.

  • To create the means for providing medical assistance for the less privilege.

  • Creating awareness for right of a child, youth and women in the society.

  • To organize forums, seminars for spreading good living habits, moral values and methods for developing self confidence.

  • To collaborate with Government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies to achieve set objectives.

  • To Network with similar NGOs so as to mobilize resources to enhance the living standard of our target communities.

  • To undertake any other work or functions that may be for the general welfare of the people.





We hope to achieved much in our community based programming both at the Local and state level on the key actions generated. Continues support from our supporters/ donors and other interest groups we believed would have significant impact in the fight against Emerging diseases like (HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Malaria, Tuberclusis, Ebola, Sexual Transmitted Diseases etc), drug abuse/alcoholism,  a conducive environment for the less privilege and reduction of poverty in Nigeria and the world at large.

We acknowledged the effort of our funded partners, civil society groups, government and its agencies, private sector organizations, communities and individuals for their continues commitment and support to our interventions. Your willingness in supporting us to implement this strategy will have a great impact in the lives of the poor and excluded members of the society and to the development of our country Nigeria.

Our work in Right to Just and Democratic Governance,

We build community capacity on Right Based Approach (RBA), Advocacy and on leadership. This enables the community to demand for accountability from duty bearers. We established a community structure known as Community Development Committee (CDC). Community capacity was also developed on Budget tracking.  Sitting of Accountability Board to engage the public on community driven activities was done in 5 communities.

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​Find us: 

No 16, Shugaba Bage Street, Adjacent New CBN, Bukan Sidi, Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

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